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Angel Clinic Website Policies

Privacy and Cookies Policy

This Privacy and Cookies Policy sets out how Angel Colonic & Detox Clinic uses and protects any information that you give when you use this website, along with the type of processes that may result in data being collected about you. Your use of this website gives us the right to collect that information.

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.

We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page periodically to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

Privacy: Your Personal Information

As a user of this site, we may collect and process your personal information.

Types of information:

Website Cookies and link tracking

Cookies allow us to provide important site functionality, so you don’t have to re-enter lots of information. They also allow us to remember what links and pages have been clicked or viewed during a session. If you have provided us with personal data, completing a contact form for example, we may associate this personal data with other information. This will allow us to identify and record what is most relevant to you.

By using your browser controls, you are always in control of the cookies we store and access on your computer. More information on how to control cookies and limit personal data processing can be found at

Types of Communication

By Email

By submitting your email address, you are consenting to receive the particular piece of information you requested, as well as allowing us to send you appropriate and useful communications. You can unsubscribe from our communications by clicking the link in the footer of the email of any emails you receive from us.

By Phone

By submitting your telephone number, you are consenting to receive contact by phone.

Information Usage

We use the information collected primarily to process your request for information. Data collected in the UK is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to this information. This safeguard may require you to provide additional forms of identity should you wish to obtain information about your account details.

The information held about you might be used in the following ways:

  • To ensure the content from our site is presented in the most effective manner.

  • To provide you with information or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.

  • To notify you about changes to our service.

  • We will not pass on your data to third parties without your consent.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To prevent unauthorised access of disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect online.

Controlling your personal information

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

• Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anyone for direct marketing purposes.

• If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by emailing us at

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we may think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please email us at If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed onto your computer by the websites you visit. They are used to make websites work, to improve efficiency, the user experience and to provide usage information on websites.

By configuring your web browser, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies. Most web browser software is initially set up to accept them. If you do not want to receive cookies you should change your browser settings. Please note by disabling cookies, some services or website functionality may not be available. For further information about cookies and how to disable them please go to

Cookies we use:

The cookies we use fall into two categories:

Essential cookies: These are cookies required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, and to use online forms.

Analytical cookies: They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring users are finding what they are looking for easily.

The cookies we use are:

Google Analytics Cookies

Google Analytics is a tool that monitors websites and allows us to see volumes of website visitors, their source, and to analyse how our website is viewed and navigated. This allows optimisation of the content and pages on and the marketing programs that drive traffic to the website. Google Analytics does not store any personal information about website visitors but does use persistent cookies to identify repeat visitors. You may universally opt-out of all Google Analytics tracking used by all websites by visiting the following url:

Terms and Conditions of Website

1.  Acceptance Of The Use Of Terms and Conditions

Your access to and use of is subject exclusively to these Terms and Conditions. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. By using the Website, you are fully accepting the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained in this notice. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions you must immediately stop using the Website.

2.  Credit card details will never ask for Credit Card details and request that you do not enter it on any of the forms on

3.  Advice

The contents of website do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making or refraining from making, any decision.

4.  Change of Use reserves the right to:

4.1 change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the Website or any part of it without notice and you confirm that shall not be liable to you for any such change or removal and.

4.2 change these Terms and Conditions at any time, and your continued use of the Website following any changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.

5.  Links to Third Party Websites

5.1 Website may include links to third party websites that are controlled and maintained by others. Any link to other websites is not an endorsement of such websites and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the content or availability of any such sites.

6.  Copyright

6.1 All copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the Website and its content (including without limitation the Website design, text, graphics and all software and source codes connected with the Website) are owned by or licensed to or otherwise used by as permitted by law.

6.2 In accessing the Website you agree that you will access the content solely for your personal, non-commercial use. None of the content may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, transmitted, stored, sold or distributed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This excludes the downloading, copying and/or printing of pages of the Website for personal, non-commercial home use only.

7.  Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

7.1 The Website is provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

7.2 To the extent permitted by law, will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatever (including without limitation loss of business, opportunity, data, profits) arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website.

7.3 makes no warranty that the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.

7.4 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed so as to exclude or limit the liability of for death or personal injury as a result of the negligence of or that of its employees or agents.

8.  Indemnity

8.1 You agree to indemnify and hold and its employees and agents harmless from and against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions brought against arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website.

9.  Severance

9.1 If any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction then such Term or Condition shall be severed, and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall survive and remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

10.  Governing Law

10.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any dispute arising under these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

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